"Today it commands a view of capitalism is unrealistic, which leads directly to the glorification of what exists. It ignores the State, no less, and we are exhorted to "fight" against capitalism but neglecting the state agency, presented by many even as an "ally" of the popular classes. All this has manifested itself in the last HG, in which the apology welfare state has been the most substantial part of the program of party and union organizers, with some exceptions. " [1]
Looking at Google Reader new in the websites that I follow, I find a Rebellion article called State and statism. The name of the text, which seems to address a topic (statism) that often echo less in this web, very interested in making a counter-offensive to defend liberal interventionism, so I find it interesting and decided to read it.
I feel, immediately afterwards, with an ode to the achievements of social interventions. The article begins well:
The state, understood as the broader human association and complex history, and statism, seeking the preeminence of the State including in activities that could be met by private initiative, are analyzed antagonistic . For many, statism has had in Stalinism and Hitlerism two extreme expressions, which, in its updated version, they would realize the nightmare of "Big Brother" of Orwell, who reads our thoughts and watching us 24 hours day. For others, the State should be the policeman again stand in the realm of unregulated bankers, through their financial havens, multimillion-dollar business deal in drugs and arms trafficking and continue to cause environmental pollution, such as Fidel Castro said, threatens to turn the planet into steppe smoking, wrapped in toxic clouds.
Well, the remnants of Stalinism and Hitlerism are beginning to be oppressive, stifling any debate ever end. The State today I would say that is far more powerful, since it requires neither monitor nor repressed to keep the subjects in his army safely [2]. And not only that statism has become the official religion. On the one hand, those who need it but not like to ensure their systems domination and privileged positions, and secondly, those who need it but not like to make them against the first and do the same as them, but on behalf of worthy public service. The cynical last sentence, in which Fidel Castro quote (that great statesman, statist ) is explaining the blindness they have. But is it perhaps that the States do not use the monetary system and speculation for their purposes, is that they not handle multimillion-dollar business in arms and drugs, may not go down the same path of turning the planet into steppe smoking? This blindness is confirmed later in the article itself, when the author was pleased that holdings of resources and energy to pass from private to state hands so that everything remains the same, instead of considering a solution to the suicide system.
left Is this radical?
clearly within the scope reformist short term, few adjectives possibilistic and we might occur, the state has solved immediate problems (which he was responsible for creating many of the time) to many people. I think education, social gains, the welfare state and all that. But please, a little depth in the analysis will suffice to see that it has always been at the expense of damage much higher. That education is used by the state in creating academic elites who spread the speech system to create armies of employees and gregarious ideological, social achievements that underpin further socio-economic model to make it more beautifully restored and invalidate any radical critique of same, that nationalizations continue the model operator and ecocide capitalist private enterprise, which creates political nationalism parliamentary dictatorship [3], desecrate the real meaning of democracy, and many etcetera.
In consequence, in order, welcomed the quoted text ... You have to fuck.
[1] Intervention in the debate on the general strike of 29-S .
[2] In this regard I recommend reading a strip illustrated that compared us to the fears of George Orwell and Aldous Huxley, in which we can see that the second prophecy totally what we live today, which does not prevent the other hand see that if The things got ugly, the state could become what Orwell predicted. It's a matter of tactics.
- Strip in english with all the drawings .
- Annotated in Castilian.
[3] On parliamentarism as a system of domination, I highly recommend both the conference audio and text Felix Rodrigo Mora homonyms.
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