Tuesday, November 2, 2010

How Long Can You Serve In Military

SdT: Intervention in the debate on the 29-S HG

By Felix Rodrigo Mora (10.22.2010)

First of all thank those who have participated in the controversy surrounding my position before HG sincerity and warmth, in addition to his selfless concern for clarifying an important issue on which even one (me neither) has reached conclusions reliable and sufficient.

Having considered carefully all the contributions, I shall report my opinion, partial and temporary at the moment.

1. Under present conditions any HG does not have and can not have the same meaning as in the past. It is impossible to be like 1917, for example. That has already been demonstrated in the HG 1988, but was generally (which did not reach the 29-S) had no importance. Why that should be cause for deliberation, considering the fundamental changes that have taken place in the last 50 years, which in essence are to be studied.

2. A HG can not overthrow capitalism, for it must go to the revolution, a political act . But those who overestimate more beyond all rationality, the role of economics in the life of societies have mystified form of general strike just fight to corner the only way to extinguish capitalism, to destroy the state, revolution. It is significant that in the 29-S the idea of \u200b\u200brevolution has been neglected and ignored by almost everyone. Sadly, I find that does not appear in the debate. The key question is do we want to destroy the system or just protest against it?

3. Can lead to a HG in a revolutionary situation? Perhaps, if two conditions, a) a political crisis of extraordinary gravity, that is, a state crisis , b) that significant sectors of the popular classes are the high level of consciousness and the spirit of effort and sacrifice necessary to rise to such insurrectionary situation. The term "significant sectors" should not be understood in a quantitative sense, but in the qualitative , because the notion of "the masses" is a ploy aimed at managing social and electoral politicking from the crowds.

4. Since a HG, as conceived by the dominant social radicalism, focuses on economic issues and aims to achieve improvements under capitalism, preserved and perfected their revolutionary significance is negligible or negative. Indeed, part of a conception of class struggle is merely to start improvements to the employers and the state protection rules, rather than seek to eliminate one another. Therefore, the economic HG or not very important, a revolutionary strategy, or is it a charade to satisfy the median voter on the left with a parody of "struggle."

5. Today it commands a view of capitalism is unrealistic, which leads directly to the advocacy of what exists. It ignores the state nothing less, and we are exhorted to "fight" against capitalism but neglecting the state agency, presented by many even as an "ally" of the popular classes. All this has manifested itself in the last HG, in which advocacy of the welfare state has been the most substantial part of the program of the party and union organizers, with some exceptions.

6. Ignore the state is ridiculous, as well as reactionary. The current Constitution of 1978, orders the police and the army to intervene when the existing order is threatened, that is, if the struggle of the workers really question the capitalist system. In this case threatens to set the state of emergency (police terror regime) and if it is not enough, the state of siege (military dictatorship with parliamentary consent). Therefore, a certain "anti-capitalist" who believes that everything is purely economic to general strikes, arguing that these are the highest form of struggle, he deceives himself and deceives workers. If anything has shown the current economic crisis, with 4.5 million unemployed, 20% of the population in poverty and social situation of almost perfect peace, is that there is no revolutionary consciousness struggles (and if you are given no importance and significance.)

7. What is in the center of it all is, do we want an end to capitalism or merely living "better" under it? Those who are inclined to the latter are the most enthusiastic response of HG as the 29-S convened in the first instance by the unions of the state (and therefore capital), UGT and CCOO, politicians and purposes facelift to relaunch the PSOE in the forthcoming elections. Today conformist spirit abounds phony guise of anti-capitalism, with formulas such as "radical reformism", "conquests" step by step, defense of the welfare state and many others, have created a spiritual atmosphere gloomy and hopeless, not epic or enthusiasm, to be all directed to the "small victories" which always the same: move for money, more money, always money, and with monetary services. This can only appeal to the mediocre, conformist and Tripero, while isolates us from the potentially more combative, generous and thoughtful.

8. The notion of gains for a new society, free of capital and the state, and for a new human beings, qualitatively better and better to the current (which is not asking much, given the gulf of dehumanization, destruction of human concrete essence and barbarism in which we are), has disappeared almost completely, as has been seen in most of the calls made to the 29-S.

9. HG is a revolutionary if it triggers the revolution or, if the conditions for it, as happens today, because it helps to prepare, removing workers from the idea of \u200b\u200bliving "better" under the bourgeois system and the notion that with more money and benefits under the current system of state-capitalist dictatorship everything is solved. That's miserable, disgusting well, and those who advocate, especially those that use for that purpose a pseudo-radical rhetoric, should be ashamed of themselves, rather than assert in his eternal narcissism, recklessness, isolation from reality and complacency.

10. In a situation like the current that is needed is clear thinking and clear differentiation of social democracy. all depends on the content, ideas, politics, programs, the worldview and values \u200b\u200b. So, I invite those wishing to explore this question comparatively duo programs UGT and CCOO, the alleged "radical." Doing so leads to a rather sad conclusion: the revolutionary spirit has been reduced to a minimum.

11. This differentiation, or insufficient differentiation in other cases, line and social agenda is at the same time, liquidationist. Why indeed are going to approach people more aware of a movement "radical" which, in substance, no different from that advocated by the unions and government parties? This will promote the disinterest in politics, according to the idea that "all are equal." Thus, following a suicidal strategy, "radicalism" goes, step by step, shrinking and rotting, so that in a few years, if there is no reaction, will be a mere nothing. However, since the PSOE's electoral in a depressive phase, soon we will be reborn to lend a hand to the left, as it did in 2004.

12. Struggles for economic improvement, for services, benefits and money are never and can never be revolutionary. In some cases they are just, and must receive support, but they can not leave or revolutionary consciousness and the affected persons to the political revolution or a revolutionary or emancipatory revolution as great event in itself. Who devoted the best of their efforts and time to protest activity with the idea that since it will generate awareness, anti-capitalist organization and unquoted shares, wrong. Just get it, as demonstrated by the experience of the past 150 years, become lackeys themselves in radical verbally capital, therefore, of the State.

13. When the 29-S was called "the masses" to the general strike in defense of the welfare state and consumer society hid the lifestyle today imposed, that the "anti-capitalists" claim in the street, even reaching melee with police, can not stand. Oil is running out, climate change threatens the forests are disappearing, agricultural soils are close to collapse, lack of drinking water, everything is being polluted and destroyed. We live with much more than we need, when you can do with 10% of what we consume. But the radicalism of ongoing operetta forget that and take to the streets with their eternal battle cry "more" "more" "more" that is, more and more toxic crap degrading and brutalizing services for all under the capital and the State therefore more devastation and ecocide.

destroy capitalism need to consume less, to replace a dunk in the material life, that dehumanizes us, on the other-oriented goods and spiritual values, freedom, truth, moral goodness and virtue, therefore, no state agency.

14. The real anti-capitalism is disinterest, rejection of the money, disdain for material advantages, magnanimous delivery to the general good. Therefore, the struggles involved, monetized, tangible benefit, selfish, corporate, far from damaging the core of capitalism, introducing it in the heart and brain of the working classes. With such content, they have been progressively integrated into the established order.

15. What is my proposal? I will tell you: a) break with politics, ideology and social agenda, a detailed and thorough, fighting those who defend it within the alleged radical, considering the major problems of our time, labor and economic issues, b) make more of revolution against the bourgeoisie and the state, organizing concept, c) considered central development of consciousness, not the struggle for benefits and improvements that have left as a matter of second or third order, d) side to activism, which is always vehicle of social democratic ideas to be everywhere and working teams to rearmed with ideas, arguments, critical formulations, relating to the major problems that concern and affect millions of human beings s , exhibiting in each and every one truth, namely that no solution here and now for them, under the dictatorship of state and capitalism, e) does not expect to win to "the masses" now, because that is impossible, leading the effort to establish strong revolutionary cells in the qualitative, facing quality to quantity, to defeat the system of domination from the quality that is its Achilles heel and now increasingly, f) put in the center intangible goals: freedom (of consciousness, political and civil), self-government, conviviality, selflessness, self-management, frugal living, ethics, pluralism and mutual support, leaving the claims of the stomach in the place it deserves.

16. This general strike next will probably be revolutionary.


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