Thursday, November 4, 2010

How Do I Unlock My Nketgear Wifi

SdT: Warning of bad weather

By Miquel Amoros. Presentation of "coups and counter" in the II Mostra del Llibre Barcelona Anarchist at the Ateneo Libertarian Besos, June 14, 2006.

The intention behind my writing for the debate has been to point out the significant social changes and transformations occurring in the last twenty years, in order to promote the approach of coherent action against oppression, ie developing a strategic thinking. For about twenty years been making world history to gross, and yet we learn.

We lack concepts that capture what happened. The old ideologies have exhausted its possibilities as a tool for interpretation and guidance. Occurs as with all things subject to aging and pollution: they lose strength and reliability and ambiguity in them happens to occupy the place of authenticity. The news is however, a pale simulacrum of the above: environmentalism, city, negrismo, insurrectionalism ... reflecting the extreme degradation of the protest and the ideas that accompany it.

separation between individuals and the results of their work has not stopped growing, and through technological development has gone from being a sign of slavery material to be enslaving the disaster. As the main feature of this society is their immersion in technology. All others are a result: economic globalization, the commodification of life in all its aspects, the absolute social control, the expansion of transport and communications, the ruin of cities, destruction of the territory, the emergence of the masses, the political totalitarianism.

The ruling class is suffering from the changes and evolves into a vertical executive caste, almost invisible and extremely mobile. The rest of the class dissolves into an amorphous conglomeration, with no identity or self-consciousness, the masses. The masses constitute a historical subject, are just the dump of all kinds. Impulse or act in accordance with guidelines from the outside. Mass movements may even build bodies of direct democracy such as assemblies and coordinators, but do not know to use them properly, often used for purposes contrary. They are unable to grasp the absolute nature of the contradiction between their dispossession and grabbing the decision makers. Under these conditions, antagonism repressed conflicts that lead continues to take place in the terrain of domination, without ever questioning it, although support in assembly-mechanisms.

uncontrolled growth and the danger decay constant does not allow sharing of tasks and prevent serious crystallize a common vision. Thus, the rule is imposed as the lesser of evils, the only possible solution, and the struggles have to compose with the decision makers, or those who represent them. However, the dissolution of the parallel classes and the atomization of individuals is a process that never stops completely. After the inevitable ebb of the mass movements and collective survival may be involved in these problems closer. A small-scale conflict can generate social awareness and community-building awareness.

struggle to escape isolation can federate with other local struggles and maintaining un estado de ánimo adecuado donde cristalice la cuestión social. Dichas luchas surgen lejos de las fábricas pero dentro de la fábrica global en que se ha convertido la sociedad; son por consiguiente necesariamente antidesarrollistas: contra las centrales nucleares, contra los alimentos y cultivos transgénicos, contra el Tren de Alta Velocidad, los parques eólicos, las incineradoras, las líneas de alta tensión, las autopistas, los trasvases y pantanos, las urbanizaciones, los puertos deportivos y los campos de golf, etc.; en resumen, contra toda la maquinaria de guerra del totalitarismo dominante.

He denunciado los seudo movimientos que buscan la integración en el sistema dominante, me he asombrado de the narcissistic idiocy that characterizes the militants and ideologues and have criticized the activism without ideas that consume their energies in fighting epidermal. Do not live under a bourgeois democratic regime but under a totalitarian regime with democratic appearances. In a hidden state of emergency. This distinction is crucial to address the problem of the action. Those who accept the reformist institutions do not practice any work directly for dominance. Nothing from the inside, everything outside. But not enough to an institutional refusal to be violent. The negative position walking in a circle. Consciousness can not be ignored.

said Guicciardini in one of his maxims that "ignorance, having no purpose, no rules or measures, it must be furiously and gives flying blind." Not just what you do not want, you have to know what you want. If you want to build a line of resistance against capitalism unitary social criticism is as necessary as intelligence at the time. Ignorance is counterrevolutionary. The new procedures of oppression such as exclusion, motoring, consumer addiction, suburbanization, etc.., They have operated with few problems thanks to the unions, civic associations, NGOs, political parties, to platforms, experts, ie the intermediaries. Suppression full of them is the best guarantee of success, even in defeat. Moreover, the new company to build can not arise from the ownership of the productive system but dismantled. That means de-urbanization, crafts, peasantry, slowly, drifting, common life, to politics and any major, freedom from want ...

radical change in the way of interacting with nature, change it in the way of life. Potlatch economy, instead of gift exchange. Municipalization soil territorial self. New company to a human scale, based on direct relationships, without mediation, without markets, without state.


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