Sunday, June 6, 2010

What Is The Best Gym Locker Lock

spies, sex and a video channel 9

El País, 21/03/2010

Vicente Sanz RTVV controlled for 15 years until he was removed for abuse

The same year he became president of Generalitat, Eduardo Zaplana named Vicente Sanz number two of Radio Television Valenciana (RTVV). The man who said after the first electoral victory in the Valencia popular "now we're going to wrap up ", is probably the person who has served longer one of the most senior positions in a public company in Valencia. One rumor, never denied, he attributed his longevity to the fact that since the keeper of secrets important enough to end a career spanning more than one policy and relevant to the PP. Fifteen years has remained in office while looking at all sorts of general managers of regional television entity.

However, They only had three journalists present on Friday, 19 February a sexual harassment complaint that all the power he assumed Sanz, real or fictitious, has been shut down in a few days. The complaint itself and the statements to the owner of the Court of First Instance number one Paterna were so strong that the judge, after listening to Vicente Sanz, immediately ordered a restraining order in this respect of the complainants.

The judge explained that the manifestations of the victims were credible allegation against Sanz that sex with the complainants had been consensual. His decision is based on the following facts: the filing of the complaint can not be inferred that the applicants have no reason or any claim spurious benefit and, moreover, are under psychological or psychiatric treatment is inconsistent with an explanation of the former General Secretary of the relationships were sought. The judge said that "the fear shown by [the complainant] was expressed as real, appear to feel anxiety and terror before any contact with the accused."

For 15 years, former general secretary of RTVV had absolute power, in practice, was above even the general managers. Following the withdrawal of the three journalists were not a few professionals who have said that these practices were known, nevertheless, have been silent. To break this silence three employees of public television Valencia have denounced the abuses of power, sexual harassment, and were armed with messages, emails and video recording to break the peace of the graveyard.


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