El País, 29/05/2010
José López Jaramillo has several fronts as a result of the case Sanz. Has yet to go to court to declare the leading research and clarify whether, indeed, as they say the victims knew "a case of harassment related to Vicente Sanz" between the end of last October and early November. He has maintained that not even in Parliament. The three women have been ratified by the judge who heard months earlier. But Jaramillo also has pending the opening of an internal investigation into what happened, how it happened and what did not work any warning mechanism. The only thing that he has served, although "late," said Inter and Valencia yesterday, has been in the final dismissal and at the opening of disciplinary proceedings for gross misconduct. The latter prevents, at least for now, Sanz achieve one of its purposes: to retire and collect the million dollar compensation which he adopted as senior as yours. Despite the decision in extremis of Jaraba, CC OO believes "has missed an opportunity to distance himself from the indecent practices of number two."
Jaraba has relied on the Royal Decree 1382 of 1985 to open the file. Article 11.2 reflects: "The contract may be terminated by the employer by dismissal based on serious and culpable failure of the senior executive in the manner and for the purposes set out in Article 55 of the Workers' Statute, in respect of claims in the event of unfair dismissal it will be the amounts had been agreed in the contract, being in default 20 days' pay per year of service up to a maximum of 12 years.
A protocol
RTVVrisk is being negotiated of a protocol against sexual harassment and employment. The talks between the company and unions were reasonably until yesterday. The meeting held in the morning, the company agreed that the committee investigating a sexual harassment case in RTVV out joint work, but only with the unions that signed the agreement: USE UGT and Inter. Indeed, the latter, CCOO and CGT rose by not accepting the company to be the set of union representation. UGT and the USO, whose chairman RTVV section, Manuela Lopez for Sanz told the judge before Paterna, stayed on the side of the direction of the agency.
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