RTVV Sanz three months of the complaint and avoid sexual compensate López Jaramillo
Levante-EMV, 29/05/2010
FRANCESC ARABI VALENCIA Vicente Sanz Monlleó is, yesterday, ex. RTVV history. The director general of the public body, José López Jaramillo, decided to initiate disciplinary proceedings for "gross misconduct" following the complaint filed against Sanz three workers for sexual harassment, because that is dealing with a judge in Paterna. And after opening the file, the head of the chain decided that the defendant stopped "in their management responsibilities."
The dismissal comes three months after the journalists went to court, prompting a "precautionary suspension" of the executive on suspicion that he sold as if at the request of the involved person. The scandal over the affair, spiced with lurid details about the alleged sexual episodes that have been forced transcending after each statement, the fact that until Jaramillo has been through court and he has dotted the issue politically, the union criticism or of the opposition, among others, or worse in the indictment to speak of "sexual abuse" are reasons that have become unsustainable lengthening the quarantine of that relationship. The ousted claims
Sorted money decisions as pointed-first record and, therefore, the dismissal-saving RTVV compensation pay 120,000 euros to whom, ironically life, has decided each and every one of the contracts, renewals and layoffs on television in the last 15 years. Who has controlled much of the awards to companies from his position as number two of the public body, which often seemed to be the one. Channel 9 now avoids paying this amount and freeze until you close the disciplinary proceedings and resolved if the dismissal is appropriate or inappropriate. This will not happen until the courts ruled on the guilt or innocence of Sanz.
The former manager has claimed, according to the Consell, money that would accrue to the dismissal would have occurred under normal circumstances, simply by a loss of fruit of confidence in the general relief. The 120,000 euros in dispute relate to compensation of 45 days per year they had the right senior management contracts. A perk that was removed just after the Jaramillo López access to the general direction in late August 2009. But the rights acquired to date are not lost. Sanz, who is left to retire just one year, now has the possibility to request the addition to the square RTVV won at the headquarters of the board, as opposed to twenty years ago. If rejoins may encounter an interim suspension without pay in that place, under of disciplinary proceedings for "gross misconduct" that weighs on him.
A dismissal which goes "late and wrong"
general consensus. Esquerra Unida and CCOO unions Valencia and Inter agree that the removal of Sanz arrives "late and wrong." Amadeu EU Councilor Sanchez believes that this decision is "fruit of the social and political pressure from unions Corts up has occurred since February was released this unfortunate event." "Although this is good news, this should have happened on Friday, March 5, when the board met in an extraordinary way to address this issue," added the director.
From Inter, was assessed as "good news" the defenestration of Sanz but regret that the decision was not taken before, and to respond to pressures and not to "personal beliefs" of Jaraba. Sanz Remember this union was a man of trust and as such has continued to date. CCOO
also spoke of action "late and poor" RTVV general director, who, according to that union, "lost a golden opportunity to distance the indecent practices of his number two when he decided not to remove him despite severe allegations against him "for alleged sexual harassment.
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