"Basically, conquering not only the origin, is also the supreme goal of all states large or small, strong or weak, liberal or despotic, monarchical or aristocratic, democratic and socialists as well, assuming that the ideal of the German socialists, the communist state from a large, ever takes place.
That she was the starting point of all States, ancient and modern, can not be doubted by anyone, since each page world history as sufficient proof. No one would deny either that the big states today are designed more or less confessed conquest. But the middle states and especially the little ones, say, think only of defending themselves and be ridiculed for his part in the conquest dream. Everything
ridiculous that they want, however it is his dream, as the smallest peasant dream is to round the land owner at the expense of neighboring, rounded, grow, win at any cost and always is a tendency inherent fatally every State, whatever its size, its weakness or strength, because it is a necessity of his nature. What is the state if not the organization of power? But it is the nature of any power failure to support a superior or an equal, because the power has no other purpose than domination, and domination is no more real than when it is subjected all that hinders it, no power tolerated other only when required to do so, ie when you feel powerless to destroy or overthrow. The mere fact of equal power is a denial of its principle and a perpetual threat to its existence, because it is a manifestation and proof of its impotence. Therefore, among all states that exist side by side, war is peace permanent and is only a truce.
is the nature of the State presented both in relation to himself as against his subjects, as the absolute object. Serve your prosperity, greatness, his power, that is the supreme virtue of patriotism. The State recognizes no other, everything that serves good, all that is contrary to their interests is declared criminal, such is the moral of the States.
is why political morality was at all times, not only strange but absolutely contrary to human morality. This contradiction is an unavoidable consequence of his principle: not to be the state rather than a part, place and stands out as the whole, ignores the right of all that, then he was not itself, is outside of him, and when he can, without danger, viola. The State is the negation of humanity. "
(Pages 67-68)
" Man as an individual animal, as animals of all species, from the beginning and from start to breathe is the immediate feeling of individual existence, but acquires no reflective consciousness if consciousness is its own personality rather than through intelligence, and therefore only in society. Your most intimate personality, consciousness you have of yourself in your heart of hearts, it is somewhat more than a reflection of your own image, passed on and sent back as so many mirrors for both collective and individual consciousness of all human beings that make up your social world. Every man you know and with whom ye are in relationships, whether direct are indirect, more or less determines your innermost being, contributes to what you are, to form your personality. Therefore, if you are surrounded by slaves, although you are his master, you do not stop being a slave, for consciousness of slaves can not send you but your image degraded. The stupidity of all the imbeciliza, while the intelligence of all the lights, raises you, the vices of your social environment are your vices and you could not really free to be men without being surrounded by men equally free, because the existence of a single slave is enough to reduce your freedom. In the immortal declaration of human rights made by the National Convention, are clearly expressed this truth sublime, that the enslavement of one human being is the enslavement of all. "
(Pages 71-72)
" not be objected that Christianity commands the children love their parents, parents to love their children, spouses to each other infections. Yes, it sends, but does not allow immediate love, naturally and by themselves, but only in God and by God, is supported these existing relationships rather than on the condition that God is a third party, and that terrible third kill unions. Divine love destroys human love. Christianity commands, it is true, to love our neighbor as ourselves, but at the same time we are commanded to love God more than ourselves and consequently more than the others, ie the neighbor sacrifice for our salvation, because in the end does not worship the Christian god but for the salvation of his soul.
acceptable to God, all that is thoroughly consistent: God is infinite, absolute, eternal, omnipotent, and man is finite, the powerless. Compared with God, in all aspects, is nothing. Only God is just, true, happy and well, and all that is human in man must be why it declared false, wicked, hateful and miserable. The touch of divinity with humanity must devour the poor, therefore, necessarily, consume, destroy everything that is human in men.
divine intervention in human affairs has never ceased to have effect too disastrous. Perverts all human relationships to one another and replaces natural solidarity hypocritical and unhealthy practice of religious communities, which under the guise of charity, every one thinks only of the salvation of his soul, making so under the pretext of divine love, human selfishness too refined, full of tenderness for himself and indifference, of malevolence and even cruelty to others. This explains the close alliance that has always existed between the executioner and the priest, alliance frankly confessed by the famous ultramontanism champion, Joseph de Maistre, whose eloquent pen, having deified the Pope, he continued to rehabilitate the executioner was a in fact the complement of the other. "
(Pages 79-80)
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