When I created the blog had in mind to write something about each album to listen, see and film book to read, in addition to my sporadic ramblings when I have something I want to write.
It is easy to induce, that summer day I was very, very boring. And as you could see who has followed this blog, if someone is so bored as I was to do so is a goal that I stopped to follow. Review each record, film and book would be a daunting task not only by the amount (main cause), but also posts to make excuses, so difficult and at times seems unnecessary for me to try to make science as something so extremely subjective feelings that some of these forms of art will convey. That said, keep writing on those specific works arouse something I particularly want to stop writing.
For those who have an interest or curiosity in following my taste in music, film and literature, I put the right links to the websites that use in such tasks and take the opportunity to recommend.
Since I was about to delete the attempts of criticism that was saved as drafts, most with year-old met, I saw they were short enough to make an entry with them. For
ale, loose here, as he dropped the pipe shells in the trash.
Jethro Tull - Thick as a Brick

Well, that has made this wonderful album of Jethro Tull : Thick as a Brick . A disc with one song in two parts over twenty minutes each.
Normally groups progressive rock musicians we can find which tend to have a great talent, ambition, fusion and experimental music. Is the case with Robert Fripp, for example, and Ian Anderson of the band in question. Anderson, not content with his previous success, Aqualung creates an epic work with one song, which mixes acoustic guitar, distortion, keyboards and many folk touches with its excellent handling of the flute.
leave here a shorter version they did at a concert:
Burzum - Hvis Lyset tar oss

The first two tracks are epic, are masterpieces of how to make this music. The letters are not far behind, I recommend encarezidamente who like to listen to black metal stand to understand the lyrics, because not all children Satanism or stories such as many prejudices. It all depends on how serious is the band and in seriously you take your work, which, in this scene, does not take long to find out.
As in this case the lyrics are in Norwegian, I bring here a website where you can find them translated into Castilian: Hvis Lyset tar oss .
The last issue set a precedent. Is to incorporate a larger scale to ambient black metal . And it is worthy of celebration, since it has yielded great results so far.
The cover, like many others, includes the fabulous work of Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen .
The cover, like many others, includes the fabulous work of Norwegian artist Theodor Kittelsen .
The world needs dark because excess light does not enlighten us or our houses but we are blind and burns us. (Varg Vikernes )
Robert Rich - Somnium

three decades and over 30 albums, Robert Rich has helped define the genres of ambient music , dark-ambient , tribal and trance , yet his music remains hard to categorize. Part of his unique sound comes from using home-made acoustic and electronic instruments, microtonal harmonies, computer-based signal processing, chaotic systems and feedback networks. Rich began building his own analog synthesizers in 1976, when he was 13 years old, and later studied for a year at Stanford’s Center for Computer Research in Music and Acoustics (CCRMA). {1}
Robert Rich dio una serie de conciertos nocturnos enfocados al sueño en los que, literalmente, the audience seemed doomed to sleep, not boredom, but because their compositions were able to accomplish that as your goal. As is easy to induce root of title, this record is part of this conceptual work. The three compositions are full of repetitions (drones) electronic, ambient textures sometimes style nature recordings, with sounds such as streams, birds, wind, etc. They say that where this effect becomes larger and other discs and what they are intended, is for the pre- REM sleep which can cause hypnagogic hallucinations ... This does not really know if it works or has charge of new age fantasy but I have not tried. I have since the early-morning, environmental background reading and attest, there indeed has worked.
Eismalsott - Best Before: Spring

The first theme plays a lot with the experimental, though rather could call it playful, it is not as serious or continuing to call it experimental. But hey, it is a rarity in black metal (which is increasingly getting more expensive and more trails). Once inside the song, acoustic passages remind us that not everything is distorted.
The one I liked the second and final issue. Only the main riff opens the song after the prologue discursive me to enjoy it. Lyrically hardly understand anything, it is German, but the instrumental was enough to keep me.
Maxïmo Park - A Certain Trigger

A typical hard rock indie , yes, but surely. Safe because it ensures consistency, fun songs catchy, what more can you ask this conformist genre most of the time.
Maxïmo Park does not suck, I suppose, to create a new rock or anything like that (and many have the ego through the roof ...), just make music you know in advance that they will like to your audience and not give them anything extraordinary. Note that Paul Smith has a remarkable voice, though. The album fulfilled with fast and energetic tracks and slow songs more quietly, as usual.
came to SOS festival last year were in fact those who opened the first day, but I hardly see them for reasons of protocol youth (botelleo before and such ... so typical). At least if you listen.
A Tribe Called Quest - People's Instinctive Travels and the Paths of Rhythm

The opening of this band's debut album seems prescient of what was going to mean, as you can hear the sound of a baby crying, which I interpret as the birth of a new form of rap. As indicated by the title pace everywhere and experimentation with the foundation poured.
This band has CDs that can be enjoyed from beginning to end, without any time under, and that's very difficult to achieve not only in rap but in any musical genre. The letters give off positive and sometimes humor, no preference for the ruling thugs (I do not mean rap political or "conscious " but to gangsta rap, with selfishness and gangsterism in abundance, but also very good job musically, by the way).
The next album, The Low End Theory , I feel even better, Midnight Marauders behind, but I wanted to start with it to be not only the first of the band but one of the first around a conception of the hip hop in its musical side: rap.
Tokyo Police Club - A Lesson in Crime

If this ep should be defined with one word, it would certainly 'catchy'. All songs are an average of just over two minutes, and all have a rhythm that instantly hooked. The indie rock is a very popular genre, which has led to a situation that requires little to himself and everything seems ok. Bands abound they are doing work with a lot of excitement, but originality is scarce, those who saved you in the head and sometimes like to listen to five, six, seven times.
This grace who got impregnated at this, her first job, in my opinion lost its first and so far only album they released two years later: Elephant Shell . But In any case, this band Canada has been one of the highlights of this style with the ep in question.
Coldworld - Melancholie ²

I know, say that a disc of this scene is dark is obvious, but it is particularly dark and obscure in its genre. And it is not having a raw production, or because the voices are the hardest, not because their words and guitars are the most aggressive (look at the lyrics of My Dead Bride if you want to check, are a rarity in this genre evil .)
is dark because it dismisses the desperate mood, lonely, melancholy and suicide in depressive subgenre of black metal all seek but do not always succeed. The fifth issue Red Snow is a perfect example of this, or even the seventh, Hymn to Eternal Frost , dressed as usual with environmental parts, orchestral, choral and even electronic ( Escape), which fit perfectly and get round a disk that looks a lot more work.
Drudkh - Autumn Aurora

Just start Summoning the Rain , we note that this album seems to follow the trend of their fantastic debut, which is confirmed keynote Forests of the Night Wind , a progressive black metal, we could say, continuing the atmospheric style so quickly has been occupying an important place in the scene (long songs and careful production), and in the case of Drudkh, makes you feel in the middle of a forest. The last song makes environmental twist spiced up with some noise to finish the pagan atmosphere.
When compared to its debut already mentioned, in my opinion this second album does not reach the level at which they started, probably because of that riffs and the atmosphere they create are difficult to match. But over it is a highly complicated task, so it does not detract one iota of interest in this disc a must for anyone who enjoys the genre, like the rest of the discography of Drudkh.
Bonus track: The Fight Club

I see great potential, but is wasted. A whole generation working in gas stations, waiting tables or being slaves clerks. Advertising makes us want cars and clothes, have jobs that we hate to buy shit we do not need. We're the middle children of history, rootless and aimless. We have not suffered a major war or depression. Our war is spiritual warfare, our great depression is our lives. We grew up with TV that made us believe that someday we'd be millionaires and movie gods, rock stars, but it will be and little recently we have noticed and we are very, very pissed.
This great movie the always interesting David Fincher is based, first things first, in a novel by Chuck Palahniuk of , published in 1996.
In the film, a character with a somewhat pathetic life, called Jack, he meets Tyler Durden, soap salesman. From there, it will be phased in, by creating a secret fight club, a new life based on a philosophy anticonsummerist and almost misanthropic . And, as brilliantly expresses the appointment of the script that copied above, the film expresses the decay of a way of living and cultural drift that is occurring throughout the Western world. The lack of ideals, falsehood, despair, are clear and aesthetically expressed not only by the script, but also good performances Brad Pitt and Edward Norton .
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