"(...) The decision to be alone, free and superior intellectuals who do not share the "Common Good" The big reason he does not want what everyone wants because he knows that this is tantamount to not wanting anything for himself, the great clarity that Senan finger "equal rights" and says its easy tendency to become equal injustice, is ie, in a community war against everything that is rare and unique, against the creative capacity of some to print a new label to the existence ... (...)
Nietzsche's philosophy conceived as a task unexpectedly, ie according to the dictionary reads: "something that is outside of time and seasoning." Would not, therefore, neither can be understood by modern man, which is essentially of his time and therefore it reveals a mindset slave. Only someone who has some "lord", ie, something "out of date", only he who keeps a distance from his time, can follow in his path.
The essential difference between the Moral of the Lords and the slave morality is that while the aristocrat is aware that it is he who gives honor to things, who MAKE THE VALUES: 'what is harmful to me is injurious himself "the slave does not create such values, but is subject to the already established. Such is their dependence is not even able to value yourself, since its value is other than that assigned to another (see aphorisms 260, 261, Beyond Good and Evil).
In this sense, all modern man, and so true to its time, is a slave. Nothing could be further from the "Moral of the Lords' Nietzsche praised by the master of modern times. The wealthy merchant, military or Nazi executioner, the industrialist ... they are all slaves under the values \u200b\u200bset: Power, Money, Labour, Productivity ...
Thus, the aristocrat of Nietzsche has nothing to do with a legitimate defense systems based on economic or political hierarchies. When you invoke the idea of \u200b\u200bcaste, in opposition to the egalitarian ideology, which wants to fight at all, the phenomenon of gregariousness ruinous to the spirit is leading industrializing at the time. An era dominated by the commodification of making value judgments all been "unproductive" in something morally abhorrent.
The breed of Lords referred to Nietzsche is not economically or politically caste leader, but such humanoo agree not become a "usable specificity", which is not subject to the values \u200b\u200bof all gregarious and laborious if not an existence that "supremely unproductive" continues to hammer the old values \u200b\u200band create new, transfigured existence. "
This is my choice.
From the foreword by Dolores Castrillo Mirat to Beyond Good and Evil .
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