always pay the same. Instead of taking money from where, is removed from those who have less.
And in Spain, for example, nearly all football clubs owe money to finance. And not talking about small change. We speak of millions of euros. Understandably if an ordinary citizen making the statement is wrong finance, not forgiven anything, pay the fine, surcharges and whatever it takes.
However, the cuts are
- Elimination of baby check, the famous 2,500 euros.
It is expensive to have a child, but also many families are in a precarious situation. In a country that needs to raise its birth rate (May we all grow old ...) Removing this incentive can be bread for today but tomorrow's hunger.
- Freezing the pension revaluation for 2011
We return to get their hands on the box that have less.
- Elimination of the retroactive award of aid dependency
Now I put it, now take it off, and while some of the communities are responsible for administering this aid, making the Swedes and delaying the process.
- Control of drug expenditures adapting the contents of container treatment
This was necessary, but not to take a crisis to get it going. The question is. Why has not been done before?
- Cut a 5% salary to staff since June 2010 and a wage freeze for 2011
seems reasonable that when a company goes wrong (Spain) their scoot workers shoulder a bit. Although not all pay the cost of public administration. If all staff of this country turn off the light when it finishes its journey work, or have a rational consumption of paper and other consumables, probably save a lot too.
- Lower the salary by 15% for members of the Government
As the pay cut for civil servants, this is necessary. Nothing like leading by example.
reflected some of the reforms.
At least one thing to be said for Zapatero. Has finally deigned to do something, even if it was the pressure he has received from Obama and Europe.
just hope not too late.
Mr. Hate: ^ P
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