"Merry began my long journey home in the cold night. Here and there even stumbled students went to bed and staggered stirring. Often he compared his unique way of having fun with my life alone, a sometimes with envy, others with contempt. But never felt like today, with complete serenity and energy secret, how little that pertained to me and how far and was lost to me that world. I remembered the Philistines honored my hometown dignity full of old men who kept the memories of his student years as the memory of a paradise blessed and consecrated to the loss "Freedom" of those years a cult like the Romantic poets and others engaged in its infancy. Everywhere was the same! All men were seeking "freedom" and "happiness" at any point in the past, only for fear of seeing them rise to the vision of the responsibility and the very unique way. For a couple of years rattled and drinking, to undergo after the flock and become serious gentlemen in the service of the State. Demian was true what he said: our world was crumbling, and that stupid student was even less stupid and less despicable than some others. "
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