walls: the dystopian trend
Between 122 and 132, say [1] was built a wall in Britain whose purpose was to facilitate the control and defense in the communities north of the island not under the Roman Empire . Hadrian's Wall that had a sense, therefore, strategic military.
Today, with the strategic military led to more sophisticated levels
thanks to technology, the trend over the walls has changed his motivation. Dystopian novels worthy of science fiction, its purpose is to prevent the transit of human beings, and you pass any other earthly creature, of a place to another.
"As they build their world with the force alienated from their work, the scenery of this world is the prison where he will live. A sordid, tasteless and odorless, which carries with it the misery of the dominant mode of production.
This set is permanently under construction, nothing in it is constant. Continuous remodeling of the space around us is justified by the general amnesia and insecurity with which its inhabitants have to live. This is all to change the image of the system: the world becomes like a factory, increasingly dirty and noisy.
Every part of this world is owned by a State or an individual. This social theft is the exclusive appropriation of the land is embodied in the omnipresence of the walls, bars, fences, barriers and borders. They are the visible marks of separation that pervades everything. But at the same time, the unification of space, in the interests of commercial culture, is the great goal of our sad times. The world must become a great highway, quite efficient, to facilitate transportation of goods. Any obstacle, natural or human, must be destroyed.
inhuman concentration of the mass of slaves is a true reflection of his life is like cages, prisons, caves. But unlike the slave or prisoner, the exploited of the modern age must pay for his cage. "[2]
The expansion entails the state apparatus of its power, part of which is the planning and" management and reordering "territorial. Aberrant limiting the free movement capability of human being as graphic design, explicit, and brazen walls has a contemporary precedent
call Korean Demilitarized Zone, where in 1953 the partition was accomplished in two of the people , Korean, condemned to suffer the consequences of reason of state, also under various ideologies. We continue with a chronology [3] that reaches the present day and future plans to find even in some areas. Case
analogous to what happened in Korea took place on the island of Cyprus in 1974, separating it into two parts, with Morocco not to be outdone and built a wall of 2,700 km in the Western Sahara, followed with Kuwait-Iraq, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan , Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Botswana, Zimbabwe, the barrier in Kashmir, between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Brunei, Limbang, Egypt, China, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Padova Via Anelli ... In Spain, the fences of Melilla and Ceuta are the same. Building
we have numerous examples: the wall Baghdad, India, Bangladesh, India, Burma, Iran, Pakistan, UAE, Oman, United States, Mexico, Israel, West Bank, Egypt-Gaza ...
Also, as I said, plans for the future: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia-Chechnya, and the latest announcement, Greece-Turkey [4].
As the monolith
2001: A Space Odyssey [5], or as the abandoned town of Pripyat [6], where life is reborn wild animal [7], perhaps in the future someone comes here and see these vestiges of "civilization", wondering what the heck the word meant.
1. Http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muro_de_Adriano
2. Chapter III of the text of the document recommended modern servitude ( http://delaservitudemoderne.org/texto.html ).
3. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Muro_de_la_Verg% C3% BCenza # Barreras_actuales
4. Greece a wall close its land border with Turkey, announced on Saturday the Immigration Minister of Greece, Christos Paputsis, who tried to justify the measure, arguing that this would prevent the entry of illegal immigrants into the country ( http: / / www.librered.net/?p=2947 ).
5. Http://www.filmaffinity.com/es/film171099.html
6. http://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pr% C3% ADpiat
7. A YouTube user has an account where uploads videos of the uninhabited area of \u200b\u200bChernobyl. One example is the recording of wild horses: http://youtu.be/4gGcQsQ3PH0 .