Thursday, May 5, 2011
Extra Hot Flaming Hot
But dressed in blue and carrying the cross over, did not recognize him.
The "gentleman" in question is a doctor. Of those who still believe that, "the office" he holds, we must make a bow from here to Lima, and I, (I still do not believe at all), not my cup of tea.
For more "INRI" was not the first time I had the fortune to meet the above, and after many years, my friends, I have concluded that the idiocy increases proportionally to the passage of time, even if you are a professor of a scientific committee to take years trying to prove otherwise. Luckily
life is a treadmill that takes many turns and she knows how to put each one in its place ...
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Kiddie Fire Aarm Wont Stop
COUNTRY - Valencia - 19/04/2011
GPs and psychiatrists who treated the three workers who complained to Channel 9 HR exresponsable RTVV Vicente Sanz, confirmed that all were subjected to sexual harassment by top management of the entity.
Four medical professionals agreed yesterday to testify before the head of the court of first instance Paterna statement that the victims had post-traumatic stress problems, anxiety, depression, nightmares, insomnia, anxiety ... All the facts that reporters had told Channel 9 in their complaint, they said, were consistent and credible with the symptoms that had the complainants.
physicians narrated before the judge who had held talks with the three women to prescribe a treatment and give them time off work. The court heard an increasingly dishonest propositions being made by the former director of human resources RTVV, the humiliations to which they submit to their subordinates, exerted control over unhealthy one, which came to control even the schedule of rules so that no excuse to escape the period their requirements.
The story of consultations with their patients not only confirmed the facts themselves in the court at the time: abuse of power, telephone persecution, humiliation, sexual abuse that took place in the personal office of work exresponsable radio staff Televisió Valenciana or in his apartment in Canet. A complete catalog of brutality and known case Sanz.
The witnesses in court no lawyer was present Vicente Sanz, who delegated to his attorney. This did not make any medical inquiry, which led to the surprise of those present.
Monday, April 11, 2011
Meagan Good Haircut On The Game
And Eva, Juan, Jesus, Maribel Rosa, Isabel, Fernando, Manolo, Joseph, Leo, etc ..., and all the staff on the third floor of traumatology Ciudad Real Hospital, for their good work and human qualities.
in my name and my entire family.
Thursday, April 7, 2011
Kate New 4 In 1 Zipset
And it means that people who charge around € 8000 per month, plus allowances, transport and pay them because hardly reach the end of the month (Lease obviously ironic).
These gentlemen / ladies, do not seem to understand that if I can not pay me a flight in business suits, and I have to crawl ryanair planes, I do not feel like paying it to them, or maybe they think that money are paid comes out of nowhere.
Besides, not want to hear anything that salaries were frozen.
To make matters worse, the only measure taken to save, you remove a meeting in September.
As might have the face so hard to say to us that what we have to do is work harder and charge less, and they do just the opposite. What if they do not realize they charge because I work?
But not even stop, no, because it seems that one has had the very great nerve to say they did not want to vote that, that they had done so because they did not know who voted.
In short, do not want to tighten belt, they work less, and over when they work, unaware that vote.
course, to demonstrate their unwillingness, better shut up.
When the revolution started and see a corrupt and inept politicians in jails and street sweeping? (Because I do not think of them unemployed, who have been charging too much time in our pockets and do nothing)
Friday, April 1, 2011
Where Do They Sell Spiker Hair Gel In Las Vegas?
For Mom has a new knee and can walk better, and it was now time return any of his efforts willingly; a small part of everything she has done for me.
have given us a five star room and will be "leaning out" to this window to make more bearable while waiting.
So, with your permission and as the chance it deserves, I dress gala this corner and make getting from here also, all my soul and my dedication in the coming days.
Tuesday, March 29, 2011
Valentines Concert Atcasino Morongo

"Merry began my long journey home in the cold night. Here and there even stumbled students went to bed and staggered stirring. Often he compared his unique way of having fun with my life alone, a sometimes with envy, others with contempt. But never felt like today, with complete serenity and energy secret, how little that pertained to me and how far and was lost to me that world. I remembered the Philistines honored my hometown dignity full of old men who kept the memories of his student years as the memory of a paradise blessed and consecrated to the loss "Freedom" of those years a cult like the Romantic poets and others engaged in its infancy. Everywhere was the same! All men were seeking "freedom" and "happiness" at any point in the past, only for fear of seeing them rise to the vision of the responsibility and the very unique way. For a couple of years rattled and drinking, to undergo after the flock and become serious gentlemen in the service of the State. Demian was true what he said: our world was crumbling, and that stupid student was even less stupid and less despicable than some others. "
Page 154.
Thursday, March 24, 2011
Examplesproposals For Fitness Club
Tuesday, March 22, 2011
Sunday, March 13, 2011
Sunday, March 6, 2011
Free Soul Eater Doujinshi
Today we play music input.
And Sho Hai, component Violadores del verso, and on the street has his solo album. Double Life went
on 1 March, and between all its component issues, we have one dedicated to our favorite subject, hodie, which collaborates Xhelazz.
A great theme for a great album. Sho Hai where we find in pure form in each of the songs.
Well, here you enjoy the song, and I highly recommend the entire disc.
Friday, March 4, 2011
Tuesday, March 1, 2011
Heavy White Discharge And Light Period
I would have liked to tell in this letter but did not win, you lose cleanly. But while this society continue pulling the strings hands all dirty, and white-collar cheats at will handle whatever benefits them, nothing is fair. And not because you have not won, what will, but because have cheated and that's ugly, do not you grandmother?.
Because you stole votes and no one knew why. Because it altered the rules of the competition in full competition and nobody gave a reasonable explanation when they were asked. Because photographs have been erased at a stroke (which in my humble opinion, deserved to stay), and nobody knows how it was. Because the game goes cousin, (and have known in all this show will help something I say, right?).
What if I already know that I must not think evil, but we can not close our eyes both when the evidence almost hurts. I also believe that we have used as suckers for that we promote social work raising awareness your site through our contacts, and we have done the dirty work building the illusion of a few, because, curiously, now have many friends and before the contest was four cats.
What I'm still delusional and realize how I like it when things like this happen to me because that means that my world is much better and not waste buried my feet.
As you say, "what can we do, girl ... That's life" ...
Next time, Grandma.
Monday, February 28, 2011
Broken Used Bourbon Barrels
And that is the subject of speed limits on motorways at 110, television news reports have begun to open a debate about whether the measure is useful or not.
And this is fine, everyone to expose their views is correct.
But try to "stabbing me bent" stupid like, I find insulting.
guess in all the newscasts have done something similar, but I'll tell the stories they did in Antena 3 and TVE 1 being I've ever seen.
Well, Antena 3, a man went on to explain that if I was in 5th at 110, but if it was consumed in 6 th to 120. OF COURSE! Now what if we test to go to 110 in 6 ª? then see if you really measure is useful or not. As the man came justifying that if a person can drive, you can use less to 120 than 110. But I imagine ANYONE going down the highway at full speed, without carrying their gear.
But if that's not enough, the next day on BBC1 I am a man who went to 110 and said it was conducting an eco-driving (you may not use this term, but is concerned lead without great braking, accelerations or large, try to take the top gear ... and following all the advice given to reduce consumer spending a car). When I finish the course, found in the car that had consumption.
At this time I thought, now perform the same path, keeping the eco-driving, but at 120. Almost, but not my surprise is that the same route at 120 but by aggressive driving, making great braking and large accelerations. When it comes to the site, checked the car and obviously consumption is more.
And then I think ...
Well, Antena 3 manipulate the story to try to prove that is not consumed at least 110. This is because they consume more than 120 than 110.
turn, manipulate their reporting on BBC1 to exaggerate the difference between driving at 110 and lead 120. This must be because the difference in consumption may not be as relevant.
therefore concluded that as many times (and we will many) media debates are dedicated to creating absurd to mislead, while our politicians put us folded and yes, lovingly because neither we learned.
Perhaps a little paranoia, but they have been seen all too often duster. "When you stop trying to manipulate and hide the truth (maybe not deceive themselves into thinking it's for our good) for start treating us like adults and criticisms we can generate our own opinion about things?
Or maybe they are right, and do not have that capacity?
Mr. Hate: ^ P
Saturday, February 19, 2011
Monday, January 24, 2011
Gallbladder Polyps How To Get Rid
I open one eye looking slightly in the light of numbers that give the time on the clock, and there it is less than a minute to have to play Alarm Clock. But I want to keep sleeping!
My body, mind, or whatever, has started a war with a blow that left me confused and bewildered, like a losing battle.
However, try closing your eyes and sleep while the head count down I have only inevitable, as the sentenced to death waiting to drop the guillotine. Not when you are finished, it will be soon.
But trust me, for a moment I think I'm going to get, I to sleep, even begin to are ... MEC MEC MEC MEC MEC MEC. The sound of defeat.
worst thing is that I return soon went on with the routine of work and forget the brutal conflict that I had to wake up. And forget what I learn and am least expected ZAP! Another blow morning.
What does this need to wake up one minute before it has to sound the alarm? What are you, you, God? Mr
. Hate: ^ P
Thursday, January 20, 2011
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Wednesday, January 5, 2011
What Is The Theme Tolineageby Margaret Walker
That feeling so bad at the time and notes that crappy texture under your sole, as you remember all the genealogical tree of the animal to walk your pet has left the gift.
That smell that accompanies you to home if you could not remove it all debris beneath your feet.
People who do not pick the shit of your pets, should be treated equally, so everyone should have right to go to their houses and defecate in the middle of the hallway, kitchen, dining ... Without warning and with any luck they also may share that pleasant sensation.
But at the end of all we met as usual, and is a socidedad in which civility and education have been replaced by a savage egoism.
When will we realize that we do not live alone in the world?
Mr. Hate: ^ P
Saturday, January 1, 2011
Irs Cant Audit Closed Businesses

Between 122 and 132, say [1] was built a wall in Britain whose purpose was to facilitate the control and defense in the communities north of the island not under the Roman Empire . Hadrian's Wall that had a sense, therefore, strategic military.
Today, with the strategic military led to more sophisticated levels thanks to technology, the trend over the walls has changed his motivation. Dystopian novels worthy of science fiction, its purpose is to prevent the transit of human beings, and you pass any other earthly creature, of a place to another.
"As they build their world with the force alienated from their work, the scenery of this world is the prison where he will live. A sordid, tasteless and odorless, which carries with it the misery of the dominant mode of production.
This set is permanently under construction, nothing in it is constant. Continuous remodeling of the space around us is justified by the general amnesia and insecurity with which its inhabitants have to live. This is all to change the image of the system: the world becomes like a factory, increasingly dirty and noisy.
Every part of this world is owned by a State or an individual. This social theft is the exclusive appropriation of the land is embodied in the omnipresence of the walls, bars, fences, barriers and borders. They are the visible marks of separation that pervades everything.
But at the same time, the unification of space, in the interests of commercial culture, is the great goal of our sad times. The world must become a great highway, quite efficient, to facilitate transportation of goods. Any obstacle, natural or human, must be destroyed.
inhuman concentration of the mass of slaves is a true reflection of his life is like cages, prisons, caves. But unlike the slave or prisoner, the exploited of the modern age must pay for his cage. "[2]
The expansion entails the state apparatus of its power, part of which is the planning and" management and reordering "territorial. Aberrant limiting the free movement capability of human being as graphic design, explicit, and brazen walls has a contemporary precedent call Korean Demilitarized Zone, where in 1953 the partition was accomplished in two of the people , Korean, condemned to suffer the consequences of reason of state, also under various ideologies. We continue with a chronology [3] that reaches the present day and future plans to find even in some areas. Case
analogous to what happened in Korea took place on the island of Cyprus in 1974, separating it into two parts, with Morocco not to be outdone and built a wall of 2,700 km in the Western Sahara, followed with Kuwait-Iraq, Uzbekistan, Kyrgyzstan , Turkmenistan, Uzbekistan, Uzbekistan, Afghanistan, Botswana, Zimbabwe, the barrier in Kashmir, between Saudi Arabia and Yemen, Brunei, Limbang, Egypt, China, North Korea, Kazakhstan, Uzbekistan, Padova Via Anelli ... In Spain, the fences of Melilla and Ceuta are the same. Building
we have numerous examples: the wall Baghdad, India, Bangladesh, India, Burma, Iran, Pakistan, UAE, Oman, United States, Mexico, Israel, West Bank, Egypt-Gaza ...
Also, as I said, plans for the future: Pakistan, Afghanistan, Malaysia, Thailand, Russia-Chechnya, and the latest announcement, Greece-Turkey [4].
As the monolith 2001: A Space Odyssey [5], or as the abandoned town of Pripyat [6], where life is reborn wild animal [7], perhaps in the future someone comes here and see these vestiges of "civilization", wondering what the heck the word meant.

1. Http://
2. Chapter III of the text of the document recommended modern servitude ( ).
3. C3% BCenza # Barreras_actuales
4. Greece a wall close its land border with Turkey, announced on Saturday the Immigration Minister of Greece, Christos Paputsis, who tried to justify the measure, arguing that this would prevent the entry of illegal immigrants into the country ( http: / / ).
5. Http://
6. C3% ADpiat
7. A YouTube user has an account where uploads videos of the uninhabited area of \u200b\u200bChernobyl. One example is the recording of wild horses: .