And it took more than two weeks working, and not get used. But in a few vacation days and was used ... Will you tell me my body? Above
read in the newspaper that experts recommend that emanates s before you go back to work right. Of course, if two weeks of vacation to spend a adecuarte, forget it.
Holidays should consist of a holiday period (especially when you pass 12 of the 16 days away from home).
For though the holidays should be for rest and return to the routine with more force, the truth is that it is not, and you end up having a schedule tighter than the day.
If we start from there, it seems logical that we should want to finish the holidays and to rest in the routine of everyday life (thank goodness I try not to think).
However, we are exhausted from the holiday hustle and depressed for having the candy freedom to take it away at once and return to prison to lock ourselves in our life.
Because in the end the holidays became permissions you are in that prison, to enjoy freedom.
And again I think. Would not it be better not to leave and as in the myth of the caverns, live in ignorance?
I said, better not think, because in any case, it is too late for all that .
Mr. Hate: ^ P